By FLP Staff on Tuesday, 22 May 2018
Category: North Fulton Notes

Continuing Roswell's Tradition of Service

There have been many changes in our City government in the past several months. We have a new mayor, four new council members, and a new City administrator. The leadership of the City has changed, but we are continuing the tradition of providing our residents with the high level of service Roswell is renowned for across the metro Atlanta area.I believe Roswell’s employees are its greatest asset. They serve our citizens, seven days a week, and in some cases, 24 hours a day. One of my goals is to improve the workplace culture for our employees and show them this administration truly appreciates them. I have an open-door policy where employees can speak with me about anything that is concerning them. I have also reached out to them by hosting an open house in my office, holding lunches with employees, and semi-quarterly social functions to give them the opportunity to not only meet and speak with me, but to interact with each other in a relaxed setting.

Another area in which we have made great strides is making City information easier and more convenient to access. As many of you know, social media has made it extremely easy to spread false information in our community. We want to make sure people have the facts about issues and programs within the City. To help combat the misinformation we see, we have established the City of Roswell’s rumor webpage. This page will provide the facts about some of the rumors you may hear in the community or see on social media. Please visit the page at

We are also taping all mayor and council meetings and making them available on our website. In addition, the proposed budget includes funding to update our video equipment and expand our coverage to include streaming all mayor and Roswell City Council meetings, making transparency in government a priority.

There have been several major ribbon cuttings in the last 100 days, which will have long-lasting, positive effects. The new East Alley opening off Canton Street transformed the alley into a place where people can stroll, shop, and dine. Veranda at Groveway is a new approach to income-based housing where 70% of the units are subsidized with tenants paying no more than 30% of their income. The remaining units pay market price. The City also opened Sun Valley Drive, connecting Mansell Road to Highway 9. This new road extension is a complete street, which means in addition to the new road, there are four-foot bicycle lanes, a five-foot sidewalk, and an eight-foot multi-use path.

I have enjoyed getting out in the community and meeting many of you. My first Coffee with Lori event was a great success. I enjoyed speaking with all those who came. We will be hosting more of these types of events in the future, so please follow me on my Facebook page ( for updates on this and other information.