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Come Together—Stand United, Not Divided

I struggle with words to describe the grave events happening in America and around the world this summer. I fell to my knees to pray on several occasions. Investigations will be conducted, and we’ll look for answers, but no answer will change the past. I reject the notion that a few bad people will divide our nation, the pundits and press sensationalizing every moment, creating additional controversy, and the leaders and groups who will use these tragedies for personal gain. We’ll mourn those who lost their lives, take a deep breath, and move forward. We are citizens of the greatest nation on earth, and with great resolve, better days are still ahead. May God bless the fallen.

It’s time to drop the labels; we’re all Americans and part of the human race. Physical features should not define us. It’s foolish and divisive. During the memorial service for five Dallas police officers, Former President George W. Bush accurately stated, “Too often, we judge other groups by their worst examples while judging ourselves by our best intentions.”

This month is the 15th anniversary of the most horrific terrorist attack our nation has ever seen. The days following 9/11 proved our country’s resolve and unity was strong. Perfect strangers helped each other; people lined up to give blood, and a rush of new recruits enlisted to serve our country’s military. Remember how you felt on 9/11 and the days after? Did you thank a police officer or give blood? Did you have a tear in your eye when you passed a fire station? Did you rethink your priorities or just hug your family and say, “I love you” more often? Did you get on your knees and pray for those who lost their lives and the families who were left behind? Did you proudly display the American flag?

During and after the Vietnam War, our soldiers were treated poorly. It was wrong, and as a result, people got smarter, and the American spirit got stronger when our soldiers were called to active duty to serve in Desert Storm, the War on Terrorism and other actions. Yellow ribbons were proudly worn, and “welcome home” events became the special celebration they deserved. This same respect and honor needs to be shown to our police officers now. They need our support and prayers. First responders are the heroes of our community and put their lives on the line every day. To all the critics and pundits, if you really want to make a difference – go fill out an application; go through the academy; put on a badge, and help serve your community. As my friend and hero, Colonel Mike Steele, says, “Patriotism without action is counterfeit.”

We are America, the greatest nation in the history of earth. It’s time to renew our spirit, and be part of the solution. May God Bless America!

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