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Canton's Entrepreneurial Economy

Canton is a place where entrepreneurship happens. From those occupying storefronts to online businesses, to home-based businesses, to part-time entrepreneurs, we are home to a wide variety of locally owned and operated businesses.

It is not by accident that locally owned businesses in Canton witness new growth and expansions. In 2014, Canton saw 11 locally owned and operated businesses open per month.

Those are new jobs, new investment, new business growth, and dreams becoming realities. Right here in our community. That alone is reason for excitement and optimism as we begin a new year.

Many others can attest to that statistic. Canton is not only a good place to start; we are also a good place to grow. Some locally owned and operated businesses have called Canton home for more than 30 years and through generations.
The local entrepreneurial growth we are seeing also shows economic diversity. These businesses offer all kinds of services and produce or sell a variety of goods. Having diverse businesses keeps us from depending too heavily on one industry and provides multipliers for other enterprises. Local entrepreneurial growth can also be reassuring, as most local entrepreneurs tend to stay local and volunteer in various local causes and initiatives. Their support means more people working together for solutions to improve our town philanthropically, and brings a wider spectrum of perspectives to the table to achieve community solutions.

If you are an aspiring entrepreneur pondering an idea, or considering pursuing a lifelong dream to start a business, or even ways to expand and grow your business, please let us know. You have already made the first right step in considering Canton ­— a community that supports its local entrepreneurs.

The City of Canton also offers "A Guide to Starting a Business in Canton, "available to let you know on the front end what you need to know and consider if you so choose to set up shop here. This free guide is available for download on the City's website ( and at City Hall.

We can help you find space, access regional or statewide resources, or link you to another local business that can assist you in your endeavors. We rejoice when local businesses grow and expand. We are a community full of entrepreneurs with great ideas. Entrepreneurs and their ideas contribute greatly to Canton's unique identity and economic growth. When you succeed, we succeed!

2015 Session Preview
Retain and Expand