By System Manager on Tuesday, 21 December 2021
Category: Canton Notes

Canton Resolves To Maintain Forward Momentum This Year

The team at the City of Canton has all eyes on projects that benefit the community in 2022. As we welcome the new year, here are some of the things we're most excited about.

Sandy McGrew, Ward 1
"In 2021, City Council formed an Environmental & Sustainability Board. I'm eager to help build the purpose and process of this board and its goals. I hope the City can find ways to improve its efforts to lessen our carbon footprint and increase green infrastructure initiatives."

JoEllen Wilson, Ward 1
"In the next year, I hope the City will accomplish reapportionment of each Ward. I'm most excited to continue to serve with this great group of individuals and look forward to welcoming our new Ward 3 Councilmember Dwayne Waterman."

Will Carlan, Ward 2
"I am excited to start my first full term on the Canton City Council. The past two years were very encouraging. I grew up here, and when I look around and see the hard work volunteers, City staff, and elected officials put in each day to make our town as wonderful as it can be, I'm proud my family calls Canton home. The City is fulfilling promises that it made to its youth years ago, and now our youth are actively engaged in the direction of the city through the CanTeen program."

Shawn Tolan, Ward 2
"I'm excited about our new manager of Economic Development & Tourism and our new manager of Housing & Residential Services. Both have the tools at their disposal to help develop and bring to life initiatives that will take Canton to the next level in our growth. I will continue to listen to our residents and be their advocate at city hall."

Brooke Schmidt, Ward 3
"I'm looking forward to building on Team Canton's many achievements from the last two years, especially in the areas of tourism and public art, both initiatives that boost economic development and serve our area businesses. In vibrant and economically successful cities, we always find public art and tourism keeping energy high and the community engaged."

Dwayne Waterman, Ward 3
"I am looking forward to working with all council members, mayor, and staff in what I hope is a productive 2022. I also hope to be celebrating a Georgia Bulldogs National Championship!"

Billy Peppers, City Manager
"I am hopeful that, in 2022, the City of Canton will see growth in the areas of small business, industrial, and tourism development. I am most excited about the completion of the Etowah River Trail westward, connecting Heritage Park as well as Boling Park, being completed early next summer."

Mayor Bill Grant

"I look forward to working with our council, staff, and citizens to build upon the momentum of our Roadmap for the Future with innovative and creative solutions to keep moving Canton forward. Cheers to the 'Coolest Small Town in America!'"