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Lemonade Day A Lesson in Entrepreneurship

As the mayor of Woodstock, and Woodstock's former member of the Georgia House of Representatives, I have had the honor of serving our families in two different elected roles that are (very intentionally) part-time. In my opinion, citizen legislators and citizen mayors make for better public servants. Keeping these roles part-time, and paying them c...

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  481 Hits

Woodstock’s Comprehensive Transportation Plan

In 2021, the downtown Woodstock shopping district had more than three million visitors, which ranks it among the most frequented downtowns in the southeastern U.S., and it ranks the center of our city as the No. 1 destination in Cherokee County. We have built a place where people from all around the nation want to be. With Woodstock's popularity, m...

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  575 Hits

State of the City Recap

As Woodstock's new mayor, one of my first official duties was to present the State of the City Address to our council and the public. My speech highlighted that our city is leading from a position of strength. With publications like and Money Magazine ranking Woodstock among the best places to live in America, calling us one ...

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  539 Hits

Drinking From a Firehose

In 2013, when I first began serving in the Georgia House of Representatives, I was often asked how things were going. "I feel like I am drinking from a firehose," was my consistent response. Today, as the 31st mayor of the City of Woodstock, that phrase feels more appropriate than ever. This year, I was sworn in as Woodstock's first new mayor in 16...

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  634 Hits

Dear neighbors and friends,

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for selecting me to serve as the 31st mayor of the City of Woodstock. I am grateful, and I intend to give it my all.For the past several years, you have provided me with the opportunity to serve as our community's voice in the Georgia House of Representatives, which has been a truly humbling honor. During my ti...

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  663 Hits