By Senator Bruce Thompson on Thursday, 20 October 2022
Category: Senator Bruce Thompson

Being a Good Neighbor

 Have you ever walked up to a restaurant counter to place an order, only to have the employee take your money and hand over your change without ever saying a word or cracking a smile? Unfortunately, that happens far too often, and society now treats that interaction as acceptable rather than as a form of dismissiveness. The truth is, no one likes to be dismissed and treated as though they are less valuable than someone else, so I try to make a point to create a conversation when that occurs, even if it's awkward.

In Luke 10:25-37, Jesus is asked what is required for someone to inherit eternal life. He replies by asking a series of questions that lead to the "Parable of the Good Samaritan." In this parable, a Jewish traveler is robbed, abused, and left to die on the side of the road. A Jewish priest and a Levite subsequently see him and pass by, doing nothing to help. Finally, a Samaritan stops, tends to the man's wounds, places him on his donkey, and pays for his lodging. After telling the story, Jesus asks the question, "Who was the neighbor?" The answer may seem obvious — and making a practical application of this lesson is not always comfortable or easy — but it is always worth the effort.

Most of us desire to provide an easier life for our children than we had, and I am no exception. Certainly, my children lived a life of privilege, vacationing in other parts of the world and growing up with other luxuries, but I had one rule: Enjoy privilege but never act entitled. My wife and I wanted our kids to enjoy the life we could provide but also share it with others. I'm sure we failed at times, but I recently had the honor of watching one of my daughter's close friends get married. Strong emotions bubbled up, as I reminisced about the times this young lady traveled with our family or spent many nights at our home. As I danced with her at her reception, I was touched when she said, "You have always treated me as though you were my 'other dad,' and I'm so grateful for you!"

I say this for myself as much as to encourage you to do the same. Let's all be more intentional about being good neighbors. As my friend Mark O'Brien says, "It never costs extra to be nice!"