By Senator John Albers on Thursday, 22 June 2017
Category: Senator John Albers

Because of the Brave...

Happy Independence Day! Each year on this day, it’s true that we come together for barbeques, fireworks and family time to celebrate this historic event, but it means much more than that. For me, July 4th stands for freedom – a privilege that Americans have and the rest of the world strives to emulate. In some places around the world, people don’t have the right to think, believe, speak, worship or act as they choose. Fortunately for those of us who live in the U.S., we are free to do any of these things, which allows us the opportunity to pursue our dreams.

Freedom is not a right that was given to us. It’s a privilege that was earned for us by the brave men and women who initiated our nation’s independence on July 4, 1776, and those who continue the fight every day. As President Ronald Reagan once said, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.”

It’s important to understand that our freedom can be taken away at any given moment. In light of recent events around the world, and some on our own shores, it’s clear that some want to infringe on our freedoms and take them away. For this reason, our nation needs to continue to do what we do best, protect our borders against any threat abroad or domestic and ensure that our freedom endures no matter who or what threatens it. At the front line of this fight are the men and women of the military and our first responders.

They put their lives on the line every day to ensure we get to live a life filled with freedom and the rights to pursue our dreams. It can be easy to take these privileges for granted, but we must not allow ourselves to brush aside all of the hard work and sacrifices given to make us the home of the free. Every one of us must continue to work to ensure that what we have earned isn’t taken away.

We must support those in the military because without their sacrifices, we would not be able to celebrate days like Independence Day and enjoy the freedoms that we enjoy. We must support their families for all they endure while their loved ones are fighting to secure the American dream. We must also support our first responders and law enforcement personnel who run into situations from which most of us flee. We must support our nation, our flag and all of the freedoms that we have. We must realize that our freedom is the greatest privilege anyone can have and the fight to secure it can never end. God Bless America!