By Senator Bruce Thompson on Wednesday, 22 July 2020
Category: Senator Bruce Thompson

Be Strong and Courageous

Back in 2017, a dear friend of mine and I pooled our resources to attend Super Bowl LI, featuring the Atlanta Falcons and the New England Patriots. Once our early morning flight landed in Houston, we grabbed an Uber and rushed to the hotel. The day was chaotic and a little stressful, as we attempted to take in all the festivities of this once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Once we were in our seats, reality set in about how rare this opportunity was. Let’s be honest; seeing the Falcons in the Super Bowl is unfamiliar territory, and we were pretty sure our wives were not going to sign off on another road trip like this one, so my friend and I absorbed the moment.

As you can imagine, the first half of the game was pure enjoyment, as we watched the dirty birds move the ball down the field and score three times, ending the first two quarters up 21-3. When the third quarter began, the Falcons got another touchdown, running the score up to 28-3. The excitement that Atlanta may, at last, bring home the trophy started to set in!

As my church pastor articulated in a previous sermon, starting strong is always a good thing, but finishing strong is even more important. This year started off on a high note, as unemployment was at an all-time low, and the stock market was reaching new highs. Much like the Falcons in Super Bowl LI, there was no sign of letting up, but how easily we forget that things can radically change in a very short period of time.

Although the Falcons were on the losing side of that game, America is on the other side of the ball this time. It feels like the opponent is running up the score with the COVID-19 pandemic, unprecedented unemployment, civil unrest, and hostile elections.

But we are a resilient society, built on a faith that each of us is created in our maker’s image. Like the Patriots, the United States of America has faced many situations that looked hopeless, but both have a history of coming together to ultimately finish on top.

The book of Joshua reminds us that the Lord is with us wherever we go, and to be strong and courageous — not frightened or dismayed.