By FLP Staff on Friday, 25 March 2016
Category: Publisher's Perspective

April 2016

There have been times in our lives when we’ve found ourselves in situations where we may not have been very sure of which way to turn, yet we just trusted “the flow” and went for it. Our life is often like a wild river and tends to carve its way through the sands of time, frequently without regard to our desires or plans, and push us along in its wake. Of course, in the grand scheme of things, we all end up downstream a little wiser, a little more well-rounded and often eager with anticipation as to what may lie around the next bend. 

We will plan the work, and work the plan. Other follies may enter our route and find us making quick, last minute adjustments to stay on course. We might find that we make some moves instinctively. Often, our faith is what ultimately moves us to react.

“If somebody offers you an amazing opportunity but you are not sure you can do it, say yes — then learn how to do it later!” - Richard Branson

A couple of months ago, I was asked by the Service League of Cherokee County to dance in their annual Dancing for the Children event. Apparently, someone thought it was a good idea to ask random people, with zero knowledge of dancing and little rhythm, to learn to dance and perform in front of a crowd of hundreds. It is a fun and exciting way for me to learn something new, and it will certainly be entertaining ... in one way or another. So, I’ve until April 23rd to learn how. If you would like to donate to the Dancing for the Children campaign or learn more about how the Service League assists underserved children in Cherokee County, please visit

Those who know me know that no one will ever hear me complain about the weather. We cannot change it; we can only react to it. One of the most exciting things for us to get grasp on is that new and exciting options in life are much like the unpredictable weather in the south. Now, possibilities will continually become available along our given journey. Having a positive reaction to the ebb and flow is simply part of the nature of enjoying life!