By Candice on Tuesday, 24 March 2015
Category: Publisher's Perspective

April 2015

Has anyone noticed recently a decline in the quantity of drama since the last time you checked? I must say that I’ve found a little hope since I quit making marks on yesterday’s calendar. It’s come to my attention that the day flows better when it starts fresh, clean and new. Waking up may not be the favorite part of your day, but we all do if we’re inclined to and allowed the opportunity. We may or may not wake to fortune, good looks or fame, but we all wake by grace — we awaken to a new beginning and a new set of circumstances that no doubt fall into place.

As days pass in the dusk, regardless of daylight savings, time zones or latitudes, each of us will become not a sum of an array of simple circumstances that we surely will find ourselves in, but divided or multiplied by our individual reactions to each of them.

“We are either in the process of denying God’s will or in the process of being shaped and molded by it.” — Charles Stanley

Our attitude and the choices we make within the given allotment of those circumstances is how we will perceive and thereby define our individual happiness. If we can find a way to acknowledge that the hand we’ve been dealt are the cards we have to play, and then do the best we can to make the right choice; that’s something to be happy about. When given the chance to make a little happiness, create some comfort or peace for someone; I hope I find the courage — and look forward to seeing their life change for the better, even if only by one shared smile.