By Mayor Gene Hobgood on Saturday, 01 February 2014
Category: Canton Notes

An Even Better Canton

A new year is under way. The City of Canton now has a new City council with a new direction and a renewed energy.  We have so much to accomplish! At the first council meeting held on January 2, the council reinstated its council meeting policy. This policy allows for a "work session" meeting on the first Thursday of the month and a "voting session" on the third Thursday of the month. The purpose of the two sessions will give the council more time to deliberate and understand an issue before taking action. It will also allow for more opportunities for public input, which is essential for the council to make a good decision.

Issues that will be addressed over the next few months will include the "Rental Car Tax," which many cities have and would be used for economic development. This tax was proposed last year for use in promoting downtown development and activities, but was rejected by the prior council. Another major issue to be considered will be a new fire station in the Laurel Canyon and Great Sky area. In addition, the question of merging the city and county fire departments will be a point of much discussion.

The council will consider, perhaps in February, rolling back the amount of the storm-water fee that residents and businesses pay in the city. The general consensus now is that we should not be asking our residents and businesses to pay more for a service or utility than it takes to operate that utility or service efficiently. The City must always look for more ways to incorporate "user fees" rather than simply increasing property taxes.

It looks like growler stores may be a reality in Downtown Canton if a proposal under consideration now is passed in the next few weeks. Growler stores, which allow for the purchase and filling of specially sealed containers with craft and local beer, will be restricted to the downtown area. This should help promote downtown and bring more activity to Main Street. Furthermore, wine shops promoting and selling Georgia wines, complete with tastings, may soon be permitted in Downtown Canton.

A new effort to streamline the requirements for businesses that would like to come into our city is under way. Newly elected council member Bill Grant is working diligently on preparing a guide to doing business in our city. Grant has said many times that we need to, "Roll out the red carpet and reduce the red tape." I am really optimistic about his efforts that will help new businesses coming to our city, as well as existing businesses wanting to expand. This along, with a strong effort to make our city customer-friendly in all departments, promises to stimulate economic development in Canton.

I am excited about the possibilities and challenges that our new city council will encounter. The energy and renewed spirit of a council working together as a team can accomplish so much for our residents. Tough decisions may be ahead, but the promise of an even better Canton is our goal.