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An Abundance of Thankgiving

This Thanksgiving, we have much to be thankful for as fellow Georgians and citizens of this great nation. It’s easy to take for granted the many blessings we have in our lives. Kari and I lost many good friends and family this year to heaven. Many times, it takes a tragedy for all of us to truly appreciate our family, friends and community. As I reflect on my abundance of Thanksgiving, I am both humbled and grateful.

As we gather together to celebrate this holiday season with family and friends, let us remember those who are less fortunate by sharing our time and resources with those in need. It can be as simple as donating clothes, food and furniture or volunteering at one of our many wonderful charities. The Albers make it a family priority to be generous, as our pastor, Dr. Mike Long says, “with our time, talents, gifts, service and witness.”

It’s important to take a moment and reflect upon our many blessings. Because of the many sacrifices that our founding fathers made, we are able to live in a land marked by providence, liberty and abounding opportunity. 239 years have come and gone since the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Along with the Constitution, these documents are the foundation of America, which are as important today as they were over 200 years ago. I’m thankful for the divine guidance given to the framers.

We are also thankful for the many generations of military men and women who have worked tirelessly to preserve our great republic. Without their boundless service, we would not enjoy the freedom and great prosperity that we do today. 

Earlier this year marked the 14th anniversary of September 11th, a day that will never be routine, and we should forever remember and hold sacred. We will never forget. For those who seek to bring evil and terror into this world, the nation stands united to defend itself from all enemies, foreign and domestic. On September 11, 2001, 2,977 people died. Of the fallen were 343 firefighters and 72 law enforcement officers. Their actions and sacrifices saved thousands, and they are forever enshrined as American heroes. 

Our first responders keep us safe, and respond in our time of need. I am thankful for my fellow firefighters and police officers. Police officers have come under increased attacks recently, and we need to show them our support. All lives matter!

Whenever we travel around town or across the country, I go out of my way to simply say “thank you” to all those who serve us in uniform.

I am also very grateful for my boys, Will and Ryan, my wonderful wife, Kari, and our extended family. As 2015 draws to a close, we ask God for His continued protection of this great state, this wonderful country, and thank Him for our many blessings.

A History of Giving Thanks
Thanking Our Heroes