By Scott Lavelle on Tuesday, 21 November 2017
Category: Family Life Blog

Advantages of Print Advertising

In the modern day, digital advertising has become popularized due to its interactivity and widespread reach, leading many companies to believe it is now the best form of advertising. However, print advertising offers many advantages that digital will never have, backed by many years of established success.Consumers trust print: Readers are more likely to trust magazine content and printed advertisements than advertisements on the internet. According to Nielsen’s Global Trust in Advertising and Brand Messages 2013 report, print ads rank significantly higher in consumer trust than any other channel.

Print is a Personal Choice: Readers choose to pick up and read print media/advertising, rather than being randomly bombarded by it in digital media. This is because they want the focused and topic-specific information a print publication offers as well as something physical that they can hold in their hands. Because the consumers choose to read print media, they are more engaged when reading the information. It has been found that people generally read less of online text and read it up to 30% slower than printed paper due to the abundance of distractions available online. “People seek the story — they read for content… focus on what they’re reading, including the ads, which they appreciate as adding to the experience,” (Morris).

Print has a High Return on Investment (ROI): A Direct Marketing Association study on ROI showed that print advertising gives business, on average, a 12:1 return on their investment. This is because about 66% of printed mail is opened, whereas 82% of online advertisements are completely ignored.

Even Millennials Prefer Print: Despite being known for their connectedness to the digital world, studies have shown that print has won over most millennials. 82% read direct mail from retail brands, and 50% look forward to receiving retail catalogs. When viewing digital advertising, more than 50% ignore it.

Print increases brand identification, is narrowly targetable, and is personal to the customer. An ad campaign should not be solely digitally based. Print is a key component to advertising, and when used in addition to other outlets, such as online and event marketing, the effectiveness of an ad campaign is greatly improved.