By Senator John Albers on Friday, 22 July 2016
Category: Senator John Albers

2016 Bills Positively Impact Tax Payers, Education, Disabled Citizens, Veterans and Current Military

During the 2016 Legislative Session, we dealt with a number of significant issues and passed several pieces of legislation that will have a positive impact on the lives of our citizens.

The growth and success of our education system remains a top priority. We made progress in ensuring that teachers and students are evaluated properly this past session. Senate Bill 364 reduces the percentage that student growth accounts for in the evaluations of teachers. Also, multiple, formative student assessments will now be used in place of an end-of-grade assessment. Growth in student achievement is critical to the future of this great state.  We must do all we can to ensure that educators and students are evaluated with a fair system, and that we eliminate excessive testing.

Several pieces of legislation were passed to increase money saving opportunities for disabled citizens and veterans. House Bill 768, the ABLE Act, provides tax-free accounts for disabled persons. In an effort to help those who are disabled and also served our country, House Bill 862 expands the definition of “disabled veterans” for purposes of qualifying for the homestead exemption, motor vehicle exemption or free license plate program. Additionally, House Bill 991 addresses penalties and interest for late ad valorem tax payments by military service members during combat zone deployment. This bill waives penalties and interest for those who fail to pay ad valorem taxes due to deployment. Once the military service member returns home, they have 60 days to pay the balance of the outstanding taxes.

In order to promote economic growth and to bring money back to taxpayers, tax reform measures were addressed and passed. Senate Bill 258 allows any individual or corporation who makes contributions to rural or critical access hospitals to receive an income tax credit worth 70 percent of what is donated. This is critical in the effort to keep rural hospitals open and running. An incentive like this will promote contributions and increase funding. Access to health care is important to citizens and businesses, and if it is accessible, economic growth will rise within the community.

In addition, Senate Bill 258 and House Bill 802 assist individuals with property taxes and contributions. SB 258 addresses initial assessment values for properties and updates the terms on which the value of any property may be frozen or increased. This will help citizens avoid overpayment and issues when dealing with property taxes. HB 802 raises the limit from $2,000 per beneficiary to $4,000 for married joint filers who deduct for contributions to a 529 college savings plan. With this new incentive, parents will be able to put away more for their children’s college fund to ensure they have the proper funding to further their education.