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2014 Legislative Session: Forging a Path to Prosperity

The Georgia General Assembly conducted efficient business at the Gold Dome this year, wrapping up the 2014 Legislative Session in mid-March. I am proud to highlight the following bills that passed during the 2014 session, many of which have already been signed into law by Governor Nathan Deal.

Senate Resolution 415: Capping the State Income Tax
Senate Resolution 415 proposes an amendment to the state constitution that will prohibit the Georgia General Assembly from raising the state income tax. If the amendment is approved by a state referendum in November, the legislature will not be able to raise the state income tax above 6 percent.

House Bill 990: Transitioning the Power to Expand Medicaid Eligibility to the Legislature
With the passage of HB 990, the decision to expand Medicaid eligibility now rests in the hands of state legislators. The passage of this legislation will enable legislators to work together toward a more sustainable solution to Georgia’s Medicaid program and save taxpayers money.

House Bill 658: The Elimination of the “Death Tax”
After the death of a loved one, families should be focused on healing rather than fulfilling a heavy tax obligation. This year, the Georgia General Assembly worked to ease this pain through the passage of HB 658, which, on July 1, effectively will eliminate the death tax.

House Bill 772: Drug Testing for Applicants and Recipients of Public Assistance
Under this legislation, all electronic benefits transfer, or EBT cards, must contain the cardholder’s photo ID. This legislation also encourages welfare recipients with drug problems to seek help and prevents the misuse of funds intended to help feed, clothe and shelter families who have fallen on hard times.

SR 736: Calls for Convention of States for a Balanced Budget
SR 736 calls for a convention of the states to propose amendments to the U.S. Constitution, specifically to impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and limit the terms of office for its officials and members of Congress. I am proud my colleagues saw the potential of this resolution to secure our nation’s economic prosperity.

HB 697: Zell Miller Grant Scholars
The passage of House Bill 697 makes a reasonably priced education a reality for students seeking degrees from an institution within the Technical College System of Georgia. By maintaining a cumulative 3.5 grade point average, technical students are now eligible to receive full-tuition scholarship grants.

House Bill 60: Safe Carry Protection Act
HB 60 allows places of worship to specifically opt-in or state that worshippers can carry in the sanctuary or on church grounds; grants immunity to licensed gun-owners who claim “Stand Your Ground” in self-defense; protects individuals who transport locked firearms in private passenger motor vehicles; and makes it unlawful to restrict possession of registered firearms in rental properties.

To learn more about a particular bill and whether it has been signed into law, visit Gov.Georgia.Gov/Bills-Signed/2014.

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