By Scott Lavelle on Tuesday, 20 November 2018
Category: Family Life Blog

10 Print Marketing Statistics You Should Know

  1. 79% of households say they read or scan direct-mail ads.

Your customer base isn't just willing to read your print marketing materials; they're highly likely to read them. How many online ads do you read every day?

  1. 39% of customers say they try a business for the first time because of direct-mail advertising.
If you've ever wondered where to find new customers, direct-mail marketing is the solution.

  1. Direct-mail marketing yields, on average, a 13-to-1 return on investment ratio.
Many small businesses are wary of print marketing due to the perceived high initial investment, but the average return speaks for itself.

  1. 92% of young shoppers say they prefer direct-mail for making purchasing decisions.
The number across all ages is 67%. More digitally inclined shoppers actually trust print marketing more, perhaps due to their familiarity with the online environment.

  1. Direct mail brings in 78% of donations for nonprofits.
As far as fundraisers go, direct mail can't be beat! lt's also cheaper than staging an event.

  1. For every $167 spent on direct mail, U.S. marketers sell $2,095 in goods.
This makes for a 1,300% return on average. Do your Facebook and Adwords efforts pay off like that?

  1. Since 2004, direct-mail marketing response rates have increased by 14%.
During that same period, email response rates have plummeted by 57%.

  1. 56% of customers find print marketing to be the most trustworthy type of marketing.
If you want to build trust, the statistics suggest you should invest in print.

  1. 44% of customers visit a brand's website after receiving direct-mail marketing.
If you knew you could get 4 in 10 people to visit your website with a print ad campaign, would you do it? That's 10% more than people who visit a brand's website after receiving an email.

  1. 48% of people retain direct mail for future reference.
Even if your direct-mail marketing doesn't yield an immediate response, customers will remember you when it's time to buy.

SOURCE: Choose Print, Print Is Big, Rochester Institute of Technology