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Canton Local Interests




Sequoyah Junior Chiefs Cheerleaders Give Back to the Community

The Sequoyah Jr. Chiefs Cheerleaders recently spent the day making sandwiches and packing over 1000 sack lunches for the MUST Ministries Summer Lunch Program. During the summer months, children who receive a free or reduced lunch during the school year are also given the opportunity to have a free lunch delivered to them in the summer. The lunches are delivered by MUST Ministry volunteers Monday through Friday. Each child receives a sack lunch that contains (at least) a sandwich, a salty snack, a sweet snack and a juice box.

A special thanks to all the Jr. Chiefs Cheer parents who donated items and to Hickory Flat Fellowship Church for opening up their facilities to assemble the lunches. The Jr. Chiefs Cheer Program teaches girls to not only be leaders on the field but also in the community. The program enforces the importance of taking an active role in making a real difference.