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Canton Local Interests




Pavilion at Ralph Bunche Center Honors Former Student

A crowd of parents, volunteers and school staff gathered recently to dedicate a pavilion built behind the school in honor of Lucy Jackson, a young student at the preschool center who died from Mitochondrial Disease in December of 2012. Lucy's parents, Ed and Jill Jackson, were present for the ceremony and shared their thanks for the school's ongoing love and support of Lucy.

Donna Adams, administrator for CCSD's Preschool Centers, including Ralph Bunche Center, thanked the many volunteers who were essential in fundraising and constructing the Lucy's Wish playground pavilion, which will be used for outdoor classroom activities, special events and a play area. The Home Depot in Canton, led by store manager Steve Renegar, worked with volunteers from Soleil Optimist Club and Soleil Tennis Club from Laurel Canyon to construct the pavilion and adjacent garden area. Ralph Bunche teachers Michele Parish and Jennifer Fowler served as coordinators of the project to honor Lucy's memory.

"In spite of her disease, Lucy's love for her family and friends was evident through her continuous effervescent smiles," said Adams. "We believe that Lucy's wish would be for others to live their lives in the same manner she did, to show great love to those around them, in spite of their circumstances, to overwhelmingly enjoy even the simplest of moments and to share contagious laughter wherever you go. These were hallmarks of Lucy's life and are the legacy she has left to all who were so blessed to have known her."

Ralph Bunche students closed the ceremony by performing the song "Love Grows."