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New Reinhardt University President Announced

Reinhardt’s Board of Trustees recently appointed Mark A. Roberts, Ph.D., as the 21st president of Reinhardt University. Roberts assumed his role on April 7.

“The Board of Trustees embodies a strong sense of purpose and is deeply committed to the ideals of private higher education and the mission of Reinhardt University,” said Chairman of Reinhardt’s Board of Trustees Ken White. “We are pleased to announce Dr. Mark A. Roberts as our 21st president, a leader who will uphold the values of Reinhardt and who, with great care, will impact the lives of our students and the entire Reinhardt community. Throughout Dr. Roberts’s distinguished career, and during the past several years as Reinhardt’s provost, executive vice president, and interim president, Dr. Roberts has proven to be a highly respected and effective leader.”

Roberts’s tenure at Reinhardt has been one of expanding opportunity and leading growth. Since 2013, he worked collegially with faculty and staff to secure grants in support of academic excellence, including grants from the Goizueta Foundation, National Science Foundation, Department of Justice, and National Endowment for the Humanities. In collaboration with faculty, Roberts strengthened and launched the Cauble School of Nursing & Health Sciences, the Etowah Valley Master of Fine Arts in creative writing, the Master of Science in Sport Administration and Leadership, and the Center for Innovative Teaching and Engaged Learning (CITEL). Through CITEL and its Goizueta Foundation funding, Roberts approved the development of the Lightboard Studio, enabling faculty to record visually appealing video lessons.

“My goal for the university in the short-term is to steer the university through the challenges imposed by the global pandemic while remaining true to our higher education mission. I am a big picture thinker. When I think about Reinhardt, I imagine what the institution should look like in 2033, at its seminal 150 years of existence. I have my own ideas of how it should grow into its full potential, but I also need the input of the good people who constitute the fullness of Reinhardt’s essence — its students, faculty, staff, alumni, donors, friends, and board members. I am eager to begin defining and then shaping that vision,” said Dr. Roberts.

Dr. Roberts’ inauguration will take place in fall 2021.