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Instructional Lead Strategists Provide Support in CCSD Classrooms

Cherokee County School District (CCSD) launched multiple new initiatives this year to increase student achievement, and District leaders knew that teachers would need additional support, as they integrated these new programs into their daily classroom activities. To help teachers meet the challenge, CCSD created a new position called an instructional lead strategist (ILS) at each elementary school as well as targeted middle and high schools.

These elite teachers underwent extensive training to prepare for their new roles, and they continue to train throughout the school year. The ILS acts as a coach for teachers, helping guide them in implementing new programs as well as classroom basics such as creating lesson plans and meeting curriculum standards. The ILS also makes sure that new initiatives, such as the Balanced Literacy approach to reading in the primary grades, are being implemented seamlessly in each classroom.

The ILS is a resource that teachers can go to for insight and advice as well as hands-on help if they feel they are struggling. Since the ILS is not tasked with conducting teacher evaluations, which are handled by the principal and assistant principals, teachers dont have to be concerned that their requests for assistance will be reflected in a job evaluation.

A brief video about the initiative can be found here: