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Holly Springs ES STEM Academy Named 2015-2016 Microsoft Showcase School


Holly Springs Elementary School STEM Academy is being recognized as a global leader in successful integration of technology with teaching and learning.

The school has been recognized for its excellence in transforming its learning environment to deliver more personalized education to students, effectively using mobile and cloud technology and better preparing students for success in the workplace. Only 400 schools worldwide have earned this recognition.

Last school year, Holly Springs ES STEM Academy became the first whole school ever to be Microsoft Innovative Educator (MIE) certified. As a Showcase School, Holly Springs ES STEM Academy will work closely with Microsoft to lead innovation in education and communicate a vision for education enabled by technology through the hosting and mentoring of other schools in the community on transformational educational practices.

As well as being recognized on a global scale for their innovative approach to educating tomorrows workforce, Showcase Schools also receive the following benefits from Microsoft as part of the program: collaboration with an international group of thought leaders; special pricing on SteelCase Education learning classroom furniture; MIE Experts on staff to help drive innovation and to support staff, peers and students; access to professional development for Educators within their school; invitations to regional and global events; monthly community webinars and Yammer group discussion, exclusive to Showcase Schools; and email signature and digital signage.