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Canton Local Interests




Georgia First Lady Visits Hasty Elementary

Georgia First Lady Sandra Deal visited Hasty Elementary School Fine Arts Academy during the first week of school, appearing on a morning interview program and then reading a story to kindergarten students.

Laney Cline, a fourth-grade student who hosts the "Mysteries of Life with Laney" morning TV show at the school, had written to Georgia Governor Nathan Deal, requesting that he appear on her program. While Governor Deal was not able to attend, Mrs. Deal was happy to visit the school in his stead. Laney, the daughter of John and Millie Cline of Canton, and the granddaughter of former CCSD School Superintendent Marguerite Cline, was delighted to land the interview and asked Mrs. Deal about her childhood and life in the Governor's Mansion during the 15-minute program.

After the interview, which was televised to the school on a closed-circuit system, Mrs. Deal read to several kindergarten classes in the media center. She shared a poem entitled, "Learning to Read," and then read the book, "Who I'd Like to Be."

Mrs. Deal is a former teacher and has made literacy one of her top priorities in her service as First Lady. She told the kindergarten students at Hasty ES that learning to read takes practice, and that they shouldn't get discouraged or give up.