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Creekview High Aeronautics Team Qualifies for International Rocketry Competition

A Creekview High School Aeronautics team has qualified to compete at an international aerospace show in London after winning the National Team America Rocketry Challenge (TARC), held recently at the Great Meadow in The Plains, Va. In addition to the team's cash prize of $10,500, plus $1,000 for the school, the team will travel to London in July as the guests of the Raytheon Company to compete against top student teams from the United Kingdom, France and Japan at the Farnborough Air Show, the biggest aerospace show and exhibition in the world.

To win the national competition, the Creekview High team outscored 712 teams made up of more than 5,000 students from across the country. TARC is the world's largest student rocket contest; teams design and build a model rocket that can travel to exactly 825 feet and back within 48-50 seconds while carrying two raw eggs that must return safely to the ground undamaged. Members of Creekview's winning team are student captain Amanda Semler, Austin Bralick, Nick Dimos, Bailey Robertson and Andrew White. Creekview High School's Aeronautics Team program is sponsored by teachers Todd Sharrock and Tim Smyrl.

A second Creekview High team, led by student captain Josh Whitley, placed 49th in the national competition. The students and their teachers were recognized by the Cherokee County School Board and superintendent at a recent board meeting.

Creekview High School Aeronautics Team program members are: Miranda Bourdeau, Ryan Bowman, Austin Bralick, Zach Chester, Nick Dimos, Cody Edwards, Rafael Escamilla, Bryan Garriques, Dakota Gravley, Walter Grogan, Jesse Halverson, Michael Hoffman, Maddie Holman, Chris Hoover, Parker McMahan, Lee Marble, Brady Neilson, Joey Nelson, Nathan Olivares, Dalton Parrott, Bailey Robertson, Christian Schaefer, Amanda Semler, Jacob Sokolove, Jeremiah Stewart, Josh Terry, Liam Vincent, Emma Vosika, David Wang and Josh Whitley.

The team is seeking corporate sponsors and donations to cover the cost for the families of the winning students to travel to London with them for the international competition. For information, please contact Todd Sharrock at 770-720-7600 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..