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Canton Local Interests




Cherokee HS Principal Appointed to National Advisory Council

Cherokee HS Principal Debra Murdock has been selected for a one-year term on the National Association of Student Councils' (NASC) National Advisory Council as one of three principal-at-large appointments. The Council's first meeting is in January in Reston, Va., with travel and other costs paid for by the Association.

The Council provides input and feedback on topics and issues of importance to the Association and its members; in addition to top principals from across the country, the Council includes eight high school representatives and three student council advisers.

"As a member of the National Advisory Council, one of Principal Murdock's primary tasks will be addressing student council issues and topics that can impact the entire NASC membership, and bringing the adviser perspective to the conversation," said Jeff R. Sherrill, NASC associate director. "Building and maintaining strong student councils is predicated on the leadership and skills of the adviser and her input on this ongoing topic will be very valuable."