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Canton Local Interests




Cherokee High Student Celebrates Milestone Achievement

Mateo Andres-Loarca marked a significant achievement for himself and his family when he graduated from Cherokee High School on May 29. Mateo, 19, and the father of two young children, is the first in his family to earn a high school diploma. Mateo worked hard to overcome various challenges in his journey, including working full-time at night to support his family and attending classes during the day with very little sleep in between. He completed the final credits last December, earning a perfect score of 100 on his senior project.

Mateo worked with Judy Withey, a graduation coach in the Cherokee County School District who helps many students like Mateo, as he completed the coursework required for a high school diploma. "Having a dedicated graduation coach is a much-needed resource for students like Mateo," said Principal Debra Murdock. "Mateo knew that he had someone he could turn to when he had questions or needed help, and that she was working hard to clear obstacles for him. It was not an easy journey for Mateo, but he never quit. Mateo is very special to us, and we're celebrating this great achievement with him."