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Canton Local Interests




Cherokee County School Districts 2016 Media Specialist of the Year Named Regional Winner

Macedonia Elementary School Media Specialist Jennifer Rice was recently named the Regional winner for North Central Georgia by the Georgia Library Media Association and Georgia Association of Instructional Technology! She now will be considered for the statewide Georgia Library Media Specialist of the Year award to be announced in November.

Winners are selected based on the following criteria:
Leadership role through staff development, committee involvement or professional advocacy
Involvement in professional organizations
Promotion of information technology utilization and literacy
Promotion of reading and literature
Involving parents and/or the community in the library media program as partners
Working collaboratively with the educators in their school
Innovative techniques used in their library media program
Deliberate and ongoing professional development as a learner, which is relevant to media services

Ms. Rice and other Regional winners will be recognized at the Georgia Educational Technology Conference this fall, at which the State winner will be named.