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Canton Local Interests




CCSD Announces Teacher of the Year at Legacy Makers Banquet

The Cherokee County School District recently rolled out the red carpet and shined the spotlight on superstar educators at the 2020 Legacy Makers: CCSD Teachers of the Year Celebration.

Befitting the events Oscars-inspired theme, with the opening of an envelope, Barry Dalton of Hasty ES Fine Arts Academy was surprised with the news he was the 2020 CCSD Teacher of the Year.

Barry really impresses me with his dedication to the kids. He was all in with social and emotional learning long before we started talking about it as a CCSD initiative, Cherokee County Superintendent of Schools Dr. Brian V. Hightower said. He teaches his kids grit and resiliency. He shows them he cares about them, their success and, most importantly, their happiness.

Dalton, who teaches health and PE at Hasty ES and is in his 12th year as an educator, will advance as CCSDs nominee for the Georgia Teacher of the Year competition.

In his remarks, Dalton thanked his mother, Vickie Dalton, for her inspiration as an educator; his father, Eddie; his wife, Heather; his current colleagues at Hasty ES; and his former colleagues at Clark Creek ES STEM Academy.

Ive recently learned about an Aristotle quote, Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all, Dalton said. I dont believe students will truly learn in our classrooms until we have built the relationships and trust needed to make them feel comfortable.

The Legacy Makers event, held at the Northside Hospital Cherokee Conference Center in Canton, honored the Teacher of the Year for every CCSD school and the four school district finalists, including Dalton, who was named the winner at the events close.