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CCA Teacher Wins New American Hero Award

Kara Reeder, a sixth-grade science teacher at Cherokee Charter Academy, has received the "New American Hero" award from the Clarion Council for Educational Greatness. The award recognizes an individual teacher who goes above and beyond for students; provides excellent and innovative educational experiences for students; demonstrates exceptional support to help students be successful; goes out of his/her way to provide help to an individual student or group of students; and is a great role model for putting students first.

"Kara Reeder is an incredible teacher who not only wants her students to learn but also wants them to encompass the Strive characteristics in their everyday life, just like she does," said a CCA parent. STRIVE is CCA's character education curriculum; it stands for Students Taking Responsibility for Important Values of Excellence.

Reeder has been teaching for 11 years. She says becoming a teacher was a natural decision for her and that "each time a student shows the same enthusiasm I have for science, or acts with a conscience and makes good choices, I am rewarded and reminded that the time, effort and love I put into teaching is worth it 100 times over."