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Canton Local Interests




24 Sequoyah High School Air Force Junior ROTC Cadets Complete Training at the Citadel


The largest AFJROTC Cadet Leadership Course in the U.S. has a week-long program that was attended by 350 JROTC cadets from across the southeast. The course challenges cadets both physically and mentally in order to prepare them for the rigors of leadership when they return to their respective units. It incorporates a very demanding physical fitness program and numerous other confidence and leader development programs such as obstacle courses, leader challenges, drill competitions, inspections and marksmanship and orienteering training.

The Cadet Leadership Course capped off a highly successful year for Sequoyahs AFJROTC program, according to teachers Lt. Col. Ronald Whittle and Chief Master Sergeant John Futral, who lead the schools program. In January, Sequoyahs cadets performed superbly during the Air Forces very thorough triennial inspection earning the highest rating of Exceeds Standards. Their performance during the inspection contributed greatly to the unit being recognized as a Distinguished Unit with Merit for 2016, which is also the highest annual recognition an AFJROTC unit may receive.