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Canton Local Interests




When It Rains, It Pollutes — Protect Our Stormwater

Stormwater runoff is rain that flows off streets, rooftops, and lawns, and it carries pollutants such as oil and grease, lawn fertilizers, chemicals, pet waste, litter, and other contaminants into our waterways. These pollutants are harmful to people, animals, and aquatic life. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimates that 80% of water pollution is caused by stormwater runoff.

What can you do to help?
Never dump anything on the streets, down a storm drain, or into a drainage ditch.
Clean up after your pet in your yard, on walks, and in parks. Canton Parks & Recreation provides pet waste stations in all its dog friendly parks.

Always check your vehicles for leaks and repair them.

Support Keep Cherokee Beautiful and other programs by throwing litter in its proper place.

Questions? Reach out to Public Works by calling 770-720-7674.