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Canton Local Interests




Welcome Cherokee County’s New Fire Chief

Current Deputy Chief of Support Services Eddie Robinson has been selected as the next fire chief and will begin his new role this month. He is succeeding Chief Tim Prather, who has served Cherokee County for 35 years.

“When reviewing the applications and interviewing for the fire chief position, Chief Robinson stood out as a natural successor to Chief Prather,” said County Manager Geoff Morton. “He brings substantial institutional knowledge to the role, having served with Fire and Emergency Services since 1994 including the last 11 years at headquarters.”

Robinson began his career with Cherokee County Fire & Emergency Services in 1999. He was promoted to safety officer in 2001 and then to administrative captain/safety officer. In 2011, he was promoted to assistant fire chief. Last year, he was named deputy chief of support services.

“I have dedicated my life to the American fire service and to the residents of our wonderful county, and I will lead the department to the best of my ability with the help of some of the best men and women that the fire service can have. I want to thank Chief Prather for his support over the years, and Mr. Morton for entrusting me to lead Cherokee County Fire & Emergency Services,” Robinson said.

In 2020, Robinson earned the distinguished Georgia Fire Chief Certification from the Georgia Association of Fire Chiefs. He has attended numerous fire service training opportunities and is an active instructor for fire services throughout the state. Additionally, Robinson is responsible for creating the county’s Patriot Day Ceremony, which is held each September in remembrance of September 11, 2001.