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Canton Local Interests




Two Local Grads Win National Merit Scholarships

Cherokee HS graduate Anna DeYoung won a National Merit Scholarship from the University of Georgia, and Creekview HS graduate Jack Eno won a National Merit Scholarship from the University of Mississippi. 

DeYoung, a four-year member of the Cherokee Band of Warriors, for which she served as drum major her senior year, plans to study music at UGA and pursue a career as a band director. An outstanding AP student and Superintendents Key Scholar, DeYoung served as president of both the Latin Club and Model UN at CHS.

Eno, who plans to study writing at Ole Miss, made his mark at Creekview HS through academic leadership and community service. A Lamp of Knowledge recipient and Superintendents Key Scholar, Eno was the academic bowl team captain and volunteered on service projects through the National Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta math honor society, and the Law and Justice Club.

Only 15,000 of the nations top graduating seniors are eligible for the 3,300 National Merit Scholarships financed by U.S. colleges and universities. The scholarships range from $500 to $2,000 annually for up to four years of undergraduate study.