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Thousands of Educators Gather for Ed Talks

Before the school year began, Cherokee County School District educators gathered together as a whole for the first time in 26 years.

Nearly 3,000 educators, administrators, and other staff attended the first CCSD Ed Talks professional development session. The two-hour program, entitled A Celebration of Teaching and Learning, included brief remarks by Superintendent Dr. Brian V. Hightower and a keynote address by nationally renowned educator, speaker, and Bold School author Weston Kieschnick. Both spoke about the importance of relationships and social and emotional learning (SEL).

Dr. Hightower said the national movement in support of SEL is exciting and inspiring. Students emotional and mental health and well-being should be valued as much as their academic success.

When I was a teacher, it was all about teaching to the whole child, he said, noting that public education then was overtaken by demands for more and more testing and increased pressure to improve those results. Were talking about the whole child again, and its so awesome. Kids are not data points. Our kids are so much more.

Kieschnick, who taught high school for 15 years before beginning his full-time career as an author and speaker, emphasized the importance of building positive relationships with students to encourage success. As part of his session, he outlined 12 classroom strategies and encouraged interaction among audience members.

Our character manifests itself in the words we say to kids, said Kieschnick. There is an incredible amount of power in a single sentence.