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Canton Local Interests




Stewart Selected to GFB Womens Leadership Committee

Nichelle Stewart of Canton has been selected to a three-year term on the Georgia Farm Bureau's (GFB) Women's Leadership Committee. A member of Cherokee County Farm Bureau (CCFB), Stewart will represent GFB District 1 and promote Georgia agriculture and healthy nutrition choices.

Stewart is an active member of the CCFB and currently serves as chairman of the CCFB Promotion & Education Committee and as co-chairman of the CCFB Women's Committee. She and her husband, Tim, raise fruits and vegetables on their farm in Canton, which also includes a farm market.

Founded in 1937, Georgia Farm Bureau is the largest general farm organization in the state. Its volunteer members actively participate in local, district and state activities that promote agriculture awareness to their non-farming neighbors. GFB also has 20 commodity advisory committees that give the organization input on issues pertinent to the major commodities grown in Georgia.