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Canton Local Interests




Sequoyah HS Students Creating Prosthetic Limbs for Those in Need

Through his school’s FIRST Robotics team formed last year, Sequoyah High School senior Daniel McCrobie has figured out how he can be a part of life-changing work: making prosthetic limbs for those in need. The team recently formed an e-Nable chapter, joining the international online collective of “Digital Humanitarian” volunteers dedicated to using shared designs and 3-D printers to craft free and low-cost prosthetic limbs for adults and children.

“This project has dramatically affected me,” said McCrobie, who also has incorporated his e-Nable work into his Eagle Scout project. “The idea of designing devices to help people regain full function fascinates me and is something I would never have thought of pursuing had I not gone through with this project.”

Teacher Brent Hollers said the project has positively impacted all of his students – not just through the mastery of technical knowledge needed for STEM careers, but also by expanding their social and emotional skills like compassion, empathy, and communication – and it has changed his life for the better, too.

The team’s e-Nable dream became reality thanks to a generous donation by the Jason T. Dickerson Family Foundation, which gifted the team with a Dremel DigiLab 3-D printer to make the computer-designed plastic prosthetics.

Hollers said the team already has delivered a finished prosthetic to a man in Alabama and is fulfilling requests for individuals in India, Australia, Germany, and Tim Andrasy of Canton.

McCrobie said meeting Andrasy, hearing his story, measuring his arm, and working to help him has been an incredible experience.

Want to help? Please contact Hollers at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for information. The team also is looking for more people in need of prosthetic limbs, and those requests can be emailed to Hollers.