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Canton Local Interests




School Board To Sell Property to County Government

Cherokee County School Board approved an intergovernmental agreement and memorandum of understanding to sell two properties to county government. This agreement allows both sides to proceed with the sale of the former Tippens ES in Canton as well as unused acreage on Hunt Road near Clark Creek ES STEM Academy.

The school district discontinued full time use of the former Tippens ES building when the Tippens Educational Center program relocated to the former ACE Academy building in Holly Springs. Since then, the building has been used for community service needs such as a storage and distribution site for charitable programs. The Hunt Road property, encompassing 14.66 acres, was purchased for the construction of Clark Creek ES but wasn't used. The sites will be sold to the county for $600,000.

“The county government is a longtime partner in our efforts to serve our community,” Superintendent of Schools Dr. Brian V. Hightower said. “As with the recently reopened historic Hickory Flat school gym, which the county government restored for community use, we anticipate that both of these sites will be put to good use for the betterment of our community.”