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Canton Local Interests




Rotary Club of Canton Dedicates Local Park

The Rotary Club of Canton held a special dedication ceremony for the official naming of Canton Rotary Park, located between the Cherokee County Justice Center and Cherokee County Historical Courthouse in downtown Canton. The Canton Rotary marked its 75th anniversary last year by burying a time capsule there and also built a Public Safety Memorial at the site in 2006.

The Canton Rotary Park dedication was part of a recent monthly Rotary luncheon meeting that included the installation of new officers. Kim Loesing, outgoing club president, passed the gavel to the new club president, Hugh Beavers, and his leadership team. In addition, Barbara Jacoby was honored with the Avenues of Service Citation. Lois Zellman, on behalf of outgoing District Governor Anton Zellman, received a special plaque in recognition of Canton Rotary having achieved GRSP #1 Per Capita Giving status. State Rep. Mandi Ballinger, District 23, also was honored for her role in sponsoring House Bill 911.

The keynote speaker for the event was State Senator Brandon Beach, District 21. Senator Beach praised the Rotary Club of Canton for its commitment to community service and also shared his ideas to help lead Cherokee County as a community with high quality of life, jobs training, technology infrastructure, and transportation.