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Canton Local Interests




Rotary Club of Canton Begins New Community Service Campaign

The Rotary Club of Canton is spreading hope in the community through its new “Heart for Service” campaign. Through this campaign, the club will be completing a hands-on service project once a month as part of one of its weekly lunch meetings. These projects will be in addition to the community service completed outside of weekly meetings by the club.

For its first project, the Rotary Club of Canton traveled to the Cherokee Sheriff’s Office headquarters. There, they heard a brief presentation by Sheriff Frank Reynolds while eating lunch. The second half of the hour-long meeting was spent creating care baskets for all the sheriff’s office precincts. Each basket was filled with packaged snacks for deputies to enjoy and was accompanied by handwritten thank you notes from club members. The club also made a small donation of $250 to the Sheriff’s Office Foundation during the meeting.

President Francisco Lozano envisioned the campaign as a way to both help the community and engage club members in more service activities.

“Community service fills our hearts with joy and spreads hope in the community,” he said. “Our club for many years has spent one meeting each summer packing lunches for the MUST Ministries summer meals program for children. It is one of our most popular meetings and the service project that engages the most club members. Through Heart for Service, we will have the opportunity to similarly help another dozen organizations that serve our community.”

The Canton Rotary Club meets at noon on Tuesdays for a luncheon program, and residents interested in joining the club are invited to visit. Meetings are held at the Cherokee Conference Center at The Bluffs or at offsite locations for community service projects. For more information, including a meeting schedule, visit