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Canton Local Interests




Reminder — RedSpeed School Zone Cameras Are Active

The City of Canton Police Department utilizes speed detection devices to enforce the speed limit at Cherokee HS, Teasley MS, and Hasty ES. The enforcement is conducted using RedSpeed automated cameras that were installed in those respective school zones, so please be extra cautious of your speed now that school is back in session.

The program was instituted after a nationwide spike in pedestrian fatalities over the past decade in which Georgia became one of the five deadliest states for pedestrians ­— with the seventh-highest fatality rate. Also, The Canton Police Department conducted speed studies within all its school zones, which produced over 3,000 speeding violations in a single day. Automated Enforcement is endorsed as a safety tool by the Governor’s Highway Safety Association, AAA, Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, and the National Safety Council.