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Canton Local Interests




Public Input Desired for Hickory Flat Area Plan

The Board of Commissions is reaching out to Hickory Flat residents and business owners to share their input on county plans for the area. Upcoming virtual meetings are set for January 13-February 3. All interaction may be completed online at

The study area, which is called the Hickory Flat Area Plan, encompasses the core of the community, stretching to a 2-mile radius from the intersection of Hickory Flat Highway and East Cherokee Drive. More than 3,600 acres (including 500 acres located in the City of Holly Springs) are part of the plan.

Principal Planner Margaret Stallings and Senior Planner Chris Luly reintroduced the plan to the Board of Commissioners last October, explaining the new approach to the input process. A three-week window enables residents and business owners to provide input in a virtual platform. In-person meetings will not be held; however, interested parties may utilize the project website to provide feedback or contact Luly directly at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 678-493-6110.

“Hickory Flat residents and businesses have the opportunity to share their vision of what Hickory Flat will look like over the next 20 years,” Stallings said. “This is your opportunity to tell the county what you want to see in the area. We conducted similar public input meetings in the southwest area of the county, which told the county those residents wanted parks. Now, we are working with the community to develop the type of parks they want in their area.”

The goal is to start with a blank slate and work with community members to create a long-term plan. Input meetings began last January, but the COVID-19 pandemic and related state orders forced the process to pause.