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Canton Local Interests




New Director of Fund Raising at Reinhardt

A Reinhardt alumna of more than 30 years returns to her alma mater in a different role. Dale Scarlett Morrissey 76 99 is now the Director of Fund Raising Campaigns and Church Relations. She assumes the role from long-standing staff member Barbara Manous who served Reinhardt for more than 18 years.

Reinhardt has always been close to my heart, said Morrissey. After high school graduation, I enrolled at Reinhardt and have been involved ever since. Working with Reinhardts A Day Committee and Alumni Board of Governors allowed Morrissey to keep close ties to Reinhardt through the years. From 2005-07, she served as Board President, and from 2014-15, she was the A DAY chair.

Born in Pickens County, Morrissey currently resides in Cherokee County. Married to Coach Todd Morrissey, who teaches and coaches at Sequoyah High School, together they have three adult children, Noah, Nicholas and Nicole, and two grandchildren. They are members of Hickory Flat Methodist Church.

Morrissey takes on the role from 18-year staff member Barbara Manous. I have enjoyed my years at Reinhardt, and dearly loved my job, said Manous. I especially enjoyed my association with faculty and staff, and members of the community.

Reinhardt has been blessed to have Barbara Manous lead the Fund Raising Team for many years, said JoEllen Wilson, vice president of advancement. She has legions of friends here at Reinhardt and in this community. We plan to call on her often in the future.

I do not believe we could have found a more capable person to step into the fund raising role than Dale, Wilson continued. As an alumna, she knows the University, and her contacts in the community are immeasurable. I enjoy working with both these professional, charming women.