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Canton Local Interests




Mountain Road ES Wins Cherokee Chamber Recycling Competition

The Cherokee County Chamber of Commerce Going Green and Education Committees co-sponsored a two-day Plastic Bag Recycling Competition in partnership with Waste Management. Nine of Cherokee Countys elementary schools who collected over 105,000 plastic bags in the competition. This years competition was altered to award the school with the highest average of plastic bags per student. This alteration was due to the large variance of enrollment across Cherokee County elementary schools, with some varying by nearly 1,000 students. Mountain Road Elementary School collected an amazing 25,073 bags during the two-day event, which brought them to a phenomenal 57.38 bags/student. Congratulations to the students at Mountain Road. Indian Knoll Elementary School should also be commended for an excellent job, as they came in second with a higher total of plastic bags at 27,925, but a lower per student average at 30.03 bags/student.

Through further partnership, the plastic bags collected were donated to MUST Ministries, Never Alone, and Papas Pantry, which will use them to support their ongoing projects. R & D Mechanical Services, Inc. and Papas Pantry, Inc. volunteered their time and cargo vehicles to collect plastic bags and deliver them to their respective final destinations.