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Canton Local Interests




Leadership Cherokee Class of 2016 Named


This 28th Anniversary Class was chosen following participation in a nomination, application and interview process.

The 23 class members traveled to Brasstown Valley Resort for their retreat. The group participated in both indoor and outdoor team building exercises that enabled them to learn not only about each other, but also about themselves through a look at personality types and communication styles, said Katie Wise with LGE Community Credit Union and the 2016 Chair of Leadership Cherokee.

Over the next nine months, the Leadership Cherokee Class will participate in a broad range of sessions that will focus on a variety of topics such as economic development, infrastructure, government, justice, education, recreation, tourism, public safety, healthcare and social/human services.

Following the nine months of leadership training, the Leadership Cherokee Class of 2016 will graduate during a ceremony in September. For information on the Leadership Cherokee Class of 2017, contact the Chamber office at 770-345-0400, or visit