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Canton Local Interests




Knox ES Earns National Certification for Digital Citizenship

Knox Elementary School was recently named a Certified School for Digital Citizenship by Common Sense, a national nonprofit organization dedicated to helping kids and families thrive in a world of digital media and technology.

The school earned the recognition by preparing students to use digital media safely by avoiding dangers such as plagiarism, loss of privacy, and cyberbullying.

The school and its staff deserve high praise for giving students the foundational skills they need to compete and succeed in the 21st-century workplace and participate ethically in society at large, said Liz Kline, vice president of education programs for Common Sense Education.

Media Specialist Leslie Hicks, K-2 Counselor Jenilee Curtis, and Principal Tammy Sandell coordinated the schools certification process. The Cherokee County School Board recently recognized these faculty members.

Principal Sandell said, By preparing our students to use technology safely and responsibly, were providing them unlimited opportunities to maximize and personalize their learning.