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Kevin Botts, Head of Support Services, Retires

Kevin Botts, Head of Support Services for Cherokee County Fire & Emergency Services, recently celebrated his retirement.

Botts had over 32 years of government service before joining Cherokee County Fire & Emergency Services. He enlisted in the U.S. Air Force (USAF) in 1977. His USAF career included training and assignments as an inventory management specialist and as a supply systems specialist.

Mr. Botts was also selected for and successfully completed the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) Academy, where he received his badge and credentials as a special agent with AFOSI. He conducted criminal, fraud and counterintelligence investigations as well as protective services operations for high-ranking dignitaries.

Mr. Botts was promoted to supervisory special agent and was relocated to AFOSIs Procurement Fraud Unit in Smyrna, GA as the assistant special agent in charge. He retired in 2001.

Botts came to work for the Cherokee Fire Department in 2005 as logistics manager. The following year, he was promoted to division chief of support services.