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Canton Local Interests




Heritage Packs a Punch to Hunger at Hasty ES

The cashier asked, You hungry? I was used to the question. After all, both shopping carts were overflowing with SpaghettiOs and applesauce. She looked both curious and concerned.

Actually, my church donates all this food to kids in a backpack program at Hasty Elementary, I said. As she began counting the boxes of macaroni and cheese, she wanted to know more. Thats great! But cant they get food from other places?

I thought about it a moment. Well, youre right, I said. But many families dont have access to good transportation, so they cant drive to pick up the food. And even if they could, most places are closed after their parents get off work. This way, we put food directly into the hands of children, and its all easy for them to cook by themselves on the weekends when they dont get school lunches.

I couldnt believe what happened next. The cashier took out a $20 bill from her pocket, handed it to me, and said, What a wonderful thing youre doing! I was a foster kid in a family of seven, and I know this would have a made a huge difference in my life. I hope this money helps. And I know it did.

If you can contribute food or money to the Hasty Elementary backpack food program, or if you would like to volunteer, please contact Justin Bishop at Heritage Fellowship, 770-479-9415 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..