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Canton Local Interests




Farm Bureau Hosts Essay Contest

Cherokee County students in grades 6-8 are invited to enter the Georgia Farm Bureau Middle School Essay Contest. The essay topic is "Make My Career Agriculture," which is designed to encourage students to study Georgia agriculture and learn how their food is produced and the contributions farming makes to our lives every day as they learn about career possibilities. "Many people have an antiquated idea of agriculture," said William Grizzle, president of Cherokee County Farm Bureau. "Farmers, just like any business owner, must manage our employees, manage our finances and manage our farms, which means taking the best possible care of our livestock and protecting the soil and water on our farms so our crops will grow. We depend on people in many different careers to make our farms successful and to meet consumer needs."

The 1st Place County Winner of the Cherokee County Farm Bureau Essay Contest will receive a $50 Walmart gift card and the 2nd Place County Winner will receive a $50 Walmart gift card. Each school will also have a 1st and 2nd Place winner, each receiving a $25 Walmart gift card. The Cherokee County Farm Bureau Essay Contest winner will be entered in the Georgia Farm Bureau First District competition. The district winner will receive a cash prize of $100. The 10 district winners will compete for the state prize of $150 cash. Previous state winners are not eligible.

Official contest rules and entry forms are available at, or through the Cherokee County Farm Bureau at 770-479-1481. All entries must be received at the Cherokee County Farm Bureau office by February 20.