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Determined Mom Celebrates Completion of Healthy Home for Her Children

Habitat for Humanity-North Central Georgia (NCG) recently dedicated a new house in Cherokee County. Angela Scheitlin and her two children, William (9) and Zoey (8), now call this house a home. Angela purchased the home from Habitat-NCG with an interest-free mortgage, so they will never have to move again because of rising rents. The celebration had several highlights, including a special Bible reading by Angelas grandfather, whose church, a part of the Lutheran Coalition for Habitat for Humanity, contributed towards the cost of building the home. The Habitat Campus Chapter at Blessed Trinity Catholic School also presented the family with a handmade bookcase full of books for the children to read. The joyful event marks the beginning of a more stable future for the Scheitlin family, who has faced many challenges.

For the Scheitlins, this new house represents more than just stability for the family. This house is a safe, healthy home for the two children, as both of them have serious medical needs. William suffers from severe food and environmental allergies and celiac disease, which is an autoimmune disorder that forces his body to reject gluten. Zoey has had chronic pneumonia since birth as well as asthma and bronchial inflammation. She has been undergoing extensive medical treatment for an undiagnosed, underlying condition that causes her to have high fevers, swollen glands, and aches and pains. So, for the Scheitlins, a healthy home could be a matter of life and death for
the children.

Building an allergy-free home for this family was such a pleasure, and it makes it even more fulfilling when the family is as deserving as the Scheitlins, said Habitat-NCG Construction Manager David Young. Habitat-NCG made several modifications to this home to accommodate the childrens special needs, including installation of an air purification system and kitchen cabinets that reach the ceiling to reduce dust and airborne allergens. Also, the house has no carpet.

With ongoing medical appointments and the specialized care needed for her children, Angela is only able to work part-time at the Home Depot, which has made safe, affordable housing out of reach. Now, William and Zoey know that they will be able to attend the same school and grow up with their grandparents close by.

Despite her many challenges, Angelas positivity has always shown through. Her motto is, With Gods help, I got this! From the moment Angela was approved as a Habitat homeowner, she started earning the required sweat equity hours by working on the construction of other families homes. Habitat-NCG staff and regular volunteers noted that Angela and her family were some of the hardest working, most dedicated people on the job site each day. Young said that Angela, her parents, and brother were always ready to pitch in.

I am glad that I was required to build on others homes because I learned a lot by watching others go through this experience before me and the love and care that goes into each home and their diverse needs, said Angela. I also like that I was required to be at my house every Saturday. It was amazing to learn how to build and fix my house as it grew. I am confident that I can do any repairs that may come my way and know the resources around me to support me.