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Creekview High Schools FFA Chapter Members Head to State Competition

The team of students, which includes Lane Collier, Kimberly Klinger, Elliott Prather and Mackenzie Sewell placed second at Future Farmers of Americas (FFA) regional Agriculture Sales contest, and earned the right to compete in the State Agriculture Sales Career Development event against eleven other top teams from across Georgia. The State competition will be next month at Fort Valley State University. Teacher Pauline Benton serves as the teams advisor.

The career education competition includes an actual sales presentation focusing on customer relations, customer service, or prospecting for customers. The four-member team presents individual sales pitches; each member makes a presentation to a different customer profile.

It was clear to the judges that the students were prepared for this contest, and they did an excellent job exemplifying good sales techniques and leadership, said Brandon Ray, north region forestry teacher for the University of Georgia.