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Canton Local Interests




City of Canton Update

Mayor Bill Grant recapped the City of Canton’s essential achievements in each of the eight tenets of the Roadmap for Success in his State of the City Address. A link to his speech
can be found at

Mayor Grant, Canton City Council, and the city manager also recently went on an intensive three-day retreat to review the Roadmap, discuss each tenet, and prioritize initiatives for 2022 and beyond.

During the retreat, plans and objectives were solidified for a joint “meeting of the minds” among the mayor and council, key city staff, and all of Canton’s citizen boards, committees, and commissions. At this meeting, the goal will be to review the City’s Roadmap for Success as a team, discuss opportunities to collaborate more effectively, and better communicate ideas for the future.

The vision for the “Coolest Small Town in America” includes a lot of new opportunities and priorities. From art and diversity to youth engagement and downtown development, the City relies on its citizen boards and commissions to manage and attain many goals for Canton and its residents. Without these volunteer groups, there would not be First Fridays, public art, historic preservation standards in downtown, new and exciting development opportunities on the horizon for the Jones Building, a thriving environment for tourism, and building and signage standards.

Mayor Grant believes that policies and plans that help guide Canton’s future can be controlled at the local level, but true positive change does not happen without citizen engagement.

Other Project Progress Around Canton:

- Water Pollution Control Plant — This $65+ million project is currently on schedule and budget. Letters of capacity availability and timelines are going out to developers and
many of the 2,000+ residential units waiting for the greenlight will be moving dirt in the coming months.
- Old Ball Ground Sewer/Heritage to Boling Parks Trail Connector — This project is in the last phase of sewer connections, and the trail projects will begin with crossings/bridge work as the first steps. The expected completion date is late August.
- Archer Street Parking Deck — Work continues on the retaining walls and underground structures. The expected completion date is August.
- Teasley MS Traffic Light — Construction documents have been completed, and the project has gone to bid. It is expected to be completed this summer.